Cosmetic Dermatology
(717) 824-3007 - EXT 1
Looking to turn back the clock on sun damage, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation? Our IPL Photofacial offers a gentle yet effective solution. We’re here to help you achieve a brighter, more even complexion. Ready for a transformation? Contact us today for your IPL Photofacial!
Wondering if you’re due for a skin refresh? Here are some signs it might be time to consult the professionals:
Recognize any of these issues? Reach out to Dermatology Physicians Laser & Skin Care Center today for your IPL Photofacial!
Ready to embark on your journey to better skin? The team at Dermatology Physicians Laser & Skin Care Center is here to help.
Give us a call and let’s discuss how we can meet your cosmetic needs with our IPL Photofacial.
(717) 824-3007 ext. 1
(Located Inside the Oregon Pike Office)
3440 Rothsville Road
Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 733-8050
222 Willow Valley Lakes Dr.
Lancaster, PA 17584
(717) 464-0113
2106 Harrisburg Pike
Suite #314
Lancaster, PA 17604
(717) 544-3575
See location for details